Brand, logos and guidelines

Hello dear radical friend and thank you for your interest in our branding stuff for whatever reason. It's awesome!


Download branding guidelines (pdf)

Our logo

Download brand material (logos and stuff) (ai, pdf)

Dark slim logo
Use whenever possible and on lighter backgrounds. Use horizontal or vertical lockup or the glyph.

Square logo
Use on lighter backgrounds. Do not use this logo inverted on darker backgrounds. Use horizontal or vertical lockup or the glyph.

Light slim logo
Use on darker backgrounds. Use only this on darker backgrounds. Use horizontal or vertical lockup or the glyph.


  • Please DO NOT use our square logo inverted on darker backgrounds. Use light slim logo instead!
  • Please do not edit, change, distort or reconfigure our logo (beyond recognition). We kinda like it the way it is:) If you however have an idea or a suggestion, we'll be totally interested to hear about it!
  • Please don't use shadows and/or gradients. We like to keep it clean and simple!

Safety spacing

Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from distracting graphics or typography. Measure clear space by the height of the “R” in Raedical for vertical space, and the width of the ”R” for horizontal.

How to use our brand materials

In general

Logos and other brand materials are always available for anyone to download. When using our logo please try to follow our guidelines and recommendations. Please do not use our name, logos, and other brand materials in ways that may be offending, confusing, misleading, or suggest our sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation. Please try not to change our logo or color pallets.

Advertising, promotional, and sales materials

As much as we encourage you to use our logo as much as possible, please don't use our name as a part of your company or service name, website name, trade name, or product name and please don’t incorporate our logo into yours.


Please do print our logo and other brand materials as much as possible:) If you need any help or have a question regarding our brand identity, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Terms & conditions

By using Rӕdical brand materials, you agree to our Terms, these Rӕdical branding guidelines, and all rules, policies and other administrative in birocratic stuff. You also acknowledge that Rӕdical is still the sole owner of Rӕdical trademarks, promise not to interfere with Rӕdical 's rights in them, and acknowledge that goodwill derived from their use accrues only to Rӕdical . We may review use of the branding materials at any time and reserves the right to terminate or modify any use, though it is very unlikely;)