Beard Growth Oil

Can a beard oil help you grow your beard?

Over the years we have received many letters and emails asking whether or not beard oils help with the beard growth, so we decided to address this issue in this article. Well, unfortunately the answer is no. The best way to grow your awesome beard is still to, you guessed it, stop shaving. How you grow your beard though, totally depends on your genetics and until this day, we have not been able to come up with a medicine or formula that would help us grow hair. If that were the case, there would probably be no bold people around. Except Captain Picard. There has presumably been some good efforts and progress in the hair growth segment, but much less in the facial hair segment. Basically anyone can grow hair, at least for some time, but not anyone can grow beard.

So what are the ingredients that are associated with the beard growth. Well, here also science has different opinions. Some researches argue that the main ingredient necessary for the beard growth is the vitamin E, while others promote biotin, the vitamin B which is also known as vitamin H. There is also a vitamin A and a vitamin C followed by the vitamin D. So multi-vitamin pills should do the job right. Not quite. Don’t get too confused just yet. Let’s take a look at vitamin E first.

Of all vitamins out there, vitamin E is most responsible for the health of the hair, which can be found in fats like unrefined vegetable oils like jojoba oil, argan oil, almond oil etc. These carrier oils are the basis of all Rӕdical beard oils. Argan carrier oil, for example helps to reduce wrinkles by restoring the skin's water lipid layer while also cooling and soothes inflammation. This is because it contains high levels of vitamin E, which stimulates the growth of capillaries that provide blood to the follicles, which ultimately leads to stronger and healthier hair. So vitamin E doesn’t really grow your hair, but helps them grow better. It’s just like every other food supplement out there. If you are trying to loose weight, there is no supplement, that will do that for you. There are many, however, that will help you get there faster.

Moving on to the vitamin B that is also called vitamin H but is generally also known as biotin. This one is important for converting nutrients into energy. Not having enough can result in a hair loss. Generally, you should get enough of biotin a.k.a vitamin H a.k.a vitamin B with your normal daily diet.

Keratin is a protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. Biotin helps improve keratin infrastructure, but the real implications on hair, or skin for that matter, are not yet clear. To date, there’s only limited evidence to suggest that increased biotin intake may help promote hair growth. In one study, women have been given protein pills containing biotin or a placebo pill twice per day for 90 days. The researcher found that women who took protein pills experienced hair growth in the areas affected by hair loss. However, one research is not quite enough to draw any scientific conclusions, so more research is needed to assess its effects on hair growth. Although we should get enough biotin from our daily diet, you can experiment by increasing your intake of biotin-rich foods like organ meats, such as liver or kidney, egg yolk, nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, and walnuts, soybeans and other legumes, whole grains, bananas, cauliflower and mushrooms. If you are “bold” enough to try this, please let us know if you experience any changes in growth of your beard. You are unlikely to see any results for several months though, so hang in there. If you however decide to follow this road, here are some more guidelines for you. Be consistent in your intake. If you are increasing your intake through food, you’ll need to eat several biotin-rich foods on a daily basis to actually ingest enough biotin to make a difference.

Moving on to the vitamin A. This one is super important for cell growth, which includes hair and facial hair – the almighty beard. It also helps the skin to create sebum - an oily substance which moisturizes the skin and keeps the beard healthy. Here is some scientific wording for you: “Vitamin A and its derivatives (retinoids) are critically important in the development and maintenance of multiple epithelial tissues, including skin, hair, and sebaceous glands, as shown by the detrimental effects of either vitamin A deficiency or toxicity. Thus, precise levels of retinoic acid (RA, active metabolite) are needed (Endogenous retinoids in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland). Awesome! Having to little of vitamin A may also result into hair loss.

The basis of all Rӕdical oils is Jojoba oil which is very similar to human sebum and is therefore easily absorbed. It kinda tricks the skin into thinking it has produced enough oil and thus balance oil production. Because it doesn’t evaporate like water based oils, jojoba moisturizes the skin and gives your bird a great shiny look.

Vitamin A, however, has a dark side. Overdosing with vitamin A can contribute to a hair loss, so “key the balance is” or how Yoda would put it. You can overdose by eating way too much red vegetables, like sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach and kale are all high in beta-carotene, which is turned into vitamin A. If you are more into meat, you can also get some vitamin A from milk, eggs and yogurt. Cod liver oil is a particularly good source.

Moving on to the vitamin C. This one is a master antioxidant and will protect against oxidative stress caused by free radicals that can block growth a d cause hair to age. Your body also need vitamin C to create protein known as collagen, which is also an important part of hair structure. It also helps absorb iron, which is necessary for hair growth. Overdosing on vitamin C will like result in digestive distress.

C follows the D. Although researchers and scientist don’t really understand the role of vitamin D in hair growth, one thing is clear. It has a great impact on hair loss. So not having enough will result in hair loss. Most people actually don’t get enough, so increasing vitamin D levels is a good idea. Your body produces vitamin D through direct sun exposure or you can get some fatty fish like salmon, cod liver oil, some mushrooms and fortified foods.

Because beards are so heavy metal, iron has to play some role in this also. And it does! It helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells which makes it important for hair growth. As with the vitamin D, Iron deficiency can cause hair loss. To iron up, get some oysters, eggs, red meat, spinach and lentils.

So far we have explored the science behind the hair growth and hair loss. Again, there is really no hard evidence that any of things mentioned above have a significant effect on the beard growth.

So, if you have the genetics and sufficient intake of the whole alphabet of vitamins, if you sleep well and your body is packed with testosterone, the one thing that really prevents the beard growth is still itching and the fact that most men give up too soon and shave it off. And to get one thing straight. Shaving does not, never has and never will make your beard grow faster and thicker. It’s a myth. And this is where the beard oil steps in. Beard oil helps nurture and moisturize the skin under the beard to keep it soft, shiny, and smooth. Apart of moisturizing the skin under the beard, Rӕdical beard oils also protects against frostbites, sunburns, dust and salt, hydrates the skin and beard, prevents flaking, dandruff and skin dryness, regenerates damaged skin underneath the beard and accelerates healing, helps prevent in-grown hair, softens the beard and keeps is smooth and shiny, helps prevent split ends and prevents itching.

Because of all these positive effects, many associate beard oil with the growth of the beard. As we discovered on our journey, however, genetic will always prevail over proteins and vitamins, diet, good night sleep, stress and other factors so nurturing your precious beard and mustache and skin underneath is the real answer to a fuller and bigger beard. So the real question here is not how to grow the beard, but rather how to make the beard fuller, thicker and bigger. This is naturally done by taking care of your beard, as well as your body and soul. Keeping your beard and skin underneath clean, nurtured and moisturized has a huge effect on your beard appearance. For best results choose your favorite Rӕdical beard oil blend, pour a dime size amount of beard oil to your hand, evenly spread the oil between both palms of your hand and rub it into your beard and skin underneath to give it a shiny and healthy look. This is best done after taking a hot bath or shower, when your pores are open, which will enable easier penetration. This will also remove the dead skin cells and reduce ingrown hair. Keeping your beard and skin moisturized will eliminate beard dandruff and make your beard appear fuller. Feel free to experiment with different Rӕdical blends to find the one that is the best for your skin type.

Here is one more awesome thing beard oil does. It helps your beard appear thicker. There is no specific regimen that has been scientifically proven to thicken beard hair, thogh.

Let’s wrap this up. Genetics is the one thing that really determines whether or not you are able to grow a beard and what your beard will look like. Testosterone plays an important role so taking care of your body and working out regularly will most definitely help. Also getting enough sleep, keeping a healthy diet and avoiding stress is a bonus, not only for you beard, but also for you mind. For everything else, we have developed a range of awesome radical products that will help you maintain that radical look.

Now that we've busted the myth, here is what you can do: 

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